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Family Update

We interrupt our regularly scheduled Foodie Friday post to bring you an important Varney family update: 

The last year has been a blesson. What is a blesson you may ask? A blesson is when you're able to view painful lessons as a blessing. In other words a blesson is what happens when you see the blessings in the lessons that your challenge taught you. 

This last year has been really rough on our family but we have decided to focus on what God taught us through this last year and thank Him for that. Through the challenges of this last year, we have sought out God's word more, been on our knees in prayer more, trusted God in ways we thought we had placed our trust in Him before, and truly asked ourselves are we living for Christ? 

At the end of the day, if our lifesong isn't Philippians 1:21 (“For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.”) then what are we living for? 

Through this process, we sought out God and asked Him where He wanted us to be and what He wanted us to do. Along the way, we thought we knew where He wanted us but as time went on and we searched to leave our home and give up Mattie's job, we realized that God wanted to bring us, as a family, to the point where we were willing to give up everything for Him. That was a freeing place to be!! 

With that being said, we are excited to announce where we are headed for the next chapter in our family's book...

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